If you’re on my email list, you know that this has been coming! I have long wanted to have a series of interviews with designers here on the blog. There are so many talented crochet artists and designers out there, and every day I’m stumbling across new and unique crochet creations–granny square blankets, original motifs in patterns or amazing stitches and designs–some of who become accounts and designers I love to follow.
Today, I want to share with you a fabulous designer and crochet business owner, Mackenzie from Summer Day Crochet, who has famously turned a Bogg Bag into the perfect crochet project bag!

Meet Mackenzie! Mom of three, crochet designer and all around awesome lady!
You’ll find her on Instagram, Etsy, and get on her email list to get in the know.
I’ve been following Mackenzie on Instagram for over a year now, when she was first launching her spinner accessory for the Bogg bags, and her content is super engaging. It’s summer fun, with some cuteness sprinkled in as Mackenzie gave birth to her premie twins several months ago, who are so stinking cute! Her journey as a mom pregnant with twins and then a premie mom was sweet and Mackenzie makes being a mom of three little ones look super duper easy.
Interview with Mackenzie
1. Can you describe how you first became a pattern designer?
My crochet business started like a lot of them do… it was hobby that I loved and so I started selling mommy-and-me matching headbands to make a little extra cash for Christmas gifts. I quickly realized I wanted to be able to scale my business and I was never going to be able to physically crochet enough products to make the sort of salary I wanted to make. Enter pattern and supply design!
2. What keeps you inspired and designing?
I am a summer gal (obviously), but I live in Minnesota which has roughly 6 months of winter. Ha! When it finally warms up, I am a completely new human. I have so many ideas and so much inspiration during the summer months! I don’t know if it’s the serotonin or what, but my creativity flows!

3. How would you describe your patterns and designs?
My patterns are fun, colorful, and (I like to think) unique! They speak to every crochet girl that likes to crochet poolside with a drink!
4. What do you hope to accomplish with each of your patterns?
I strive for each of my patterns to be clear and easy to follow, but to also teach the crocheter something new! I like to use wrap knots, I-cords, color changing, etc.. and I think my patterns are an easy way to learn a new skill here and there!
5. How have you grown and changed as a designer over the years?
I’m still fairly new to pattern design, but I have already learned so much. I’m actively working on figuring out the perfect mix of originality/uniqueness, while also appealing to a broader audience of crocheters!
6. What tools do you like to use best?
My favorite tool hands down is my yarn spinner accessory for my Bogg Bag! I use it everyday to crochet on the go! If you’d like one of your own, here’s a link! https://creatoriq.cc/3X1MqQK

Final Thoughts
I hope you all enjoyed getting to see Mackenzie’s amazing work and learn about her and her passion for our favourite craft, crochet. I personally love the sunny patterns Mackenzie has been releasing this summer and can’t wait to see more of her amazing work.
Thank you so much Mackenzie for joining me here on my blog today!
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