When I first started spreading my crochet wings, I learned about something called Tunisian crochet, which interested me because when I was a little girl, my other had made me a little blanket using a straight Tunisian crochet hook. She no longer remembered a thing about it however, and I thought to myself, one day I’ll learn how to do this. I was still very new to reading patterns and so I simply kept crocheting, learning new skills, trying new things in crochet and just really having a ball, as we all do, with yarn and a hook.
But, Tunisian crochet was always at the back of my mind. I even bought a little book that would help me learn, but being busy, I set it aside for “later” and just kept crocheting and living life.
Fast forward some time and here we are today, and I am finally, really learning Tunisian crochet.

What is Tunisian Crochet?
Before I share my experience with this craft, let’s talk a little about what Tunisian crochet is. While we are not quite sure where this craft originated, it has been around since at least the mid 1800s as we have magazines with published patterns dating back to those years, but who knows, it might be older. Tunisian or Afghan crochet (more commonly called Tunisian) is a combination of crochet and knit in that you hold all your stitches open on a long crochet hook. Which, to me is kind of scary as I don’t knit and while I have tried it, the scariest thing is, what do I do if a drop a stitch or make a mistake? As a crocheter, not a knitter, I have no idea. However, in Tunisian I am a bit more comfortable because, well, because I’m already a crocheter.

In Tunisian crochet, you work your stitches all open on the forward pass, and then you close them up without turning your work in the return pass. So the front and the back have a clear right side wrong side, which I find very helpful as a crocheter who has puzzled over RS/WS in the past.
How I’m Finding this Crochet Style
I actually find Tunisian crochet very very soothing. Maybe because I am crocheting slower, but I think it’s because the rhythm is so different from what I’m used to in crochet, and I already find crocheting relaxing. It’s easy so far, even second project I’m working on–read more below!
My First Project
If you have been following me on Instagram, you will have seen me showcasing my WIPs and some have been Tunisian crochet as I have been learning. The first thing I learned was the Tunisian simple stitch and I just followed the linked tutorial. Once I had the first few rows mastered, I decided to really practice by doing the most basic project ever: a scarf. I just kept Tunisian simple stitching until I had myself a lovely scarf and I was so proud!
I was proud, and in love and I started binging on Tunisian crochet content crochet, checking out Pinterest and then I impulsively bought a Clover Tunisian hook set and after that I was committed.
My Second Project
After I hooked up that scarf, I thought, I have to keep going with this. I can’t just simple stitch forever and I knew I needed to learn some other stitches and keep practicing. And suddenly, a new free pattern was released on TL Yarncrafts with a video tutorial. So of course, I thought, well I can do this. It’s beginner friendly after all. And with a video tutorial, it was the perfect larger project for me to do next.
So I dug into my stash and got crocheting. Then, this project went on hold for a while because my baby learned to crawl and learning something new in between chasing the baby around was counter productive to learning and my sanity. More recently, I decided to create some little cleanser pads using the simple stitch, which was a lot of fun. I also spent some time practicing the honeycomb stitch, and reading a bit more about Tunisian crochet. I even toyed with the idea of starting another Tunisian crochet project, because I’m one of those crocheters who has the urge to have way too many projects on the go turning into projects I mean to finish.

Instead, I decided to keep myself accountable by writing this blog post so that I can show you where I am in this project, because if I do that, then of course I’ll want to share updates and show you the final result. So. Here’s me taking the plunge into completion commitment.
As you can see, I posted that picture seven weeks ago. It’s high time I got back to this project. I hope that I can post some pictures soon, and show you some serious growth. This project is proving quite soothing and I love the way it grows as you work it up. Hopefully I can soon swing this shawl around to show off her beauty and toot my Tunisian crochet skills.
Are you learning new crochet skills? Maybe Tunisian? Let me know down in the comments and be sure to subscribe to my socials to stay up to date on this project!