For about two years now, I have really wanted to crochet myself a few staple pieces for my own wardrobe. I love the idea of making my own clothes as I can chose the colours I want, and have more style options than you find in stores. Plus, it’s fun! But, I have not completed many wearables in the entire two years since I first decided that I wanted to crochet wearables. In fact, I’ve only completed one.

Part of that was the learning curve, I had to really master gauge swatching, and I started two spring projects in the spring of 2022 both of which are incomplete. And this fall I started a wearable as well and then I moved houses and the wearable is still on the hook.
But let’s never mind that for the moment, and talk about the kind of crochet wardrobe I want. Because I think it’s important to consider what you are looking for in your handmade wearables before you dive into making those wearables. Crocheting (and knitting) a sweater or any wearable is time consuming and sometimes require a lot of concentration and effort. It can be fun, but it’s not always easy.
Let’s Talk About Colour
I think it’s important to think about colour when it comes to creating your own handmade wardrobe. The thing about buying from relators is that you often similar colour palettes from almost all of the relators and brands out there. I remember shopping one particular fall and everything was black, grey and…beige? It was all blah in my books. There were no bright jewel tones or deep autumnal tones. It was completely depressing and every store I walked into was pretty much the same.
But, when you make your own clothes, you have a huge selection of colours to chose from. There are pastels and bright bold colours, muted colours, primary colours and neutrals and hand painted yarns and a whole rainbow to choose from.

But does that necessarily mean you want a pumpkin orange sweater or a hot pink tank top? It all depends doesn’t it? Where are you wearing the wearables you are making? To work? To run errands? At this point, another person might recommend sticking to neutrals so you get a lot of wear out of what you make and not waste your time and money making a neon colour blocked sweater you’ll never wear. But I am taking a different approach.
Colour is wonderful. Colour says a lot about us. Black and white don’t say much at all and while some people think of these wardrobe styles as classy, you didn’t see Diana, Princess of Wales wearing a heck of a lot of black. She wore a lot of colour, and always looked amazing. So make your wearables in all the colours you want! But be sure to buy simple staple pieces like long sleeved tees or button downs in neutral colours like champagne or black and pair them with your handmades.
Styles You Love, Styles that Suit
Another thing you have to think about is the style you want. I personally always tend to choose lacy and open work patterns when it comes to wearables, ones that I can layer. But I have also made a simple yoke down sweater which was a lot of fun to make. The wonderful thing about making your own clothes is that you can choose styles that you really love and that suit your body as there a ton of patterns out there. You can get lace work styles, fitted styles, boxy styles, and you can modify patterns to fit your body.
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I personally love the look of a lot the boho style crochet out there, but they don’t really suit my body well–I’m petite and a bit pear shaped–so while I’m inspired by those patterns, I’m careful about making them, picking patterns that are customizable and that I think I can modify. The most important (and coolest thing) about making your own clothes is that you can fit it to your own body, so that no matter what you make, you look great in it.

While I haven’t finished a lot of wearable pieces, working on several has taught me that picking a style that suits your body is important. Boxy styles don’t really suit me so I’m always skipping those when it comes to the patterns I consider making. Wearables with bell sleeves or sleeves with a lot of room in them don’t suit me well either, so I skip them or modify them. So do consider your body type and style concerns when you are looking at making your own wearables. It’ll save you a ton of heartache and work in the end, I promise.
What I’m Making
Now I want to share what I am making. You’ve seen them all before I’m afraid, but these are the projects currently in the works though right now they are UFOs. I’m hoping one soon turns into a WIP again. I’ll be honest and say one needs complete frogging but that’s a maker’s life at times.
- Sun-Kissed Cardigan by MJ’s Off the Hook Designs
- Easy One Piece Lace Crochet Top by MJ’s Off the Hook Designs
- Goldenrod Wrap Top by Earth Tricks
I also want to make the Meltdown Top by Maeli Designs, but I don’t have the yarn or pattern yet. Another pattern I want to make is the Cancer Cami by Ana-Maria and while I do have the pattern, I don’t have the yarn. But these are things I want to make and hopefully one day sooner than later I’ll be flying through them.
Final Thoughts
While sometimes I get down on myself for not making these wearables, I also have to give myself grace as my life is hectic and I do try to do a lot in the time I have. I work part time, take care of my toddler and home and we recently moved which was more work than anyone should do ever, and was super stressful on me. And while I love challenging myself in crochet I also seek out crochet comfort projects. But seeing as things are almost all unpacked (if not put away where they should be exactly) I think I might be able to start getting back into crochet in a serious way. I will make wearables. And you know what? Anyone can! Even you, even when you think you can’t.