Hooks & Notions Reviews

Lantern Moon Crochet Hook Review

Along with being a crocheter, I’m also a bit of a crochet hook collector. I like to try different brands of hooks because our making experience is partially defined by the tools we use. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard people say that once they started using a higher end brand’s hook that their crochet experience changed. They were able to crochet faster, their hands hurt less, they had more consistent tension and so on.

So really, the type of hook you use makes a difference. In fact, if you are a serious beginner, I would recommend skipping the kinds of hooks you can find in craft stores and instead invest in one or two hooks from a good brand like Clover.

But today, we are here to look at Lantern Moon hooks!

Committed to Artistic Techniques

I first heard about Lantern Moon from knitters on Youtube. The knitting needles and crochet hooks they were showing looked high end and had lovely cases. The company states: “Lantern Moon are committed to the ongoing preservation of artistic techniques and products that meet the needs of the needlework artist,” and I like that because the tools we use should be be considering our needs as makers and artists. Made from ebony, I was intrigued and after Christmas, with a bit of money I was gifted, I treated myself to a couple of hooks from Lantern Hooks.

Their Story

I wanted to draw special attention to Lantern Moon’s About pages, as I think it’s important to note that this company looks to work with local artistians, which I think those of us who are makers can appreciate. They state: “We are honored to partner with them in producing a diverse collection of beautiful tools and products for the fiber and needlework community.”

Pros: Hook Style and Experience

These are inline hooks so fans of Susan Bates hooks will really like these hooks. I found the crochet experience very easy and quick and enjoyable. The tip of the hook head is a bit more rounded than pointed, but I haven’t had any issues inserting the hook into stitches. There’s a thumb rest, and the wood is smooth. They are nice and light in the hand too, and I haven’t experienced any snags. I honestly really love working with these hooks.

Cons: Price and Availability

If you do want Lantern Moon hooks, the price point may seem a little steep. I found individual hooks starting at $16 Canadian, and I only found those from a seller online. Sets are easier to find, so you could get a set from Amazon but sets are an investment and might not be for everyone. I found one set on Amazon for over $150 Canadian, and other sets from online yarn stores. The online yarn store Artisanthropy carries the crochet hooks and knitting needles, and was more affordable than Amazon. I’ve also found sellers on Etsy, such as Knitting Anxiety so definitely check out Etsy as well if you are interested in these hooks.

Tracking down what you want requires a bit of a hunt, which I am down for as shopping for yarn and hooks is as much fun as buying and working with them. But it might not be something everyone wants to do. Finding the sets and hooks is possible, but they are not something you will find at your local craft store. As for the cost, if you are willing to spring for a Furls hook, then these are a bit of a savings. But if you are less inclined to spend your hard earned pennies on crafting tools, then these are going to be a lot of money. I think the crochet experience is worth it however.

Final Thoughts

I love to try new hooks and have a variety of hooks on hand. But I don’t always like them as much as other hooks. Lantern Moon hooks are a hit with me. Crocheting with them was smooth and easy, making the projects I worked up with those hooks especially soothing. So I do highly recommend these hooks.

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